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Dokumentar- und Essayfilm

Trailer von einer Auswahl von Filmen von
Dirk Peuker und Bettina Nürnberg

Zement (TRAILER), © Bettina Nürnberg & Dirk Peuker

D/AT 2014, 12min, HD (Distributor: Sixpackfilm Austria)

The film grapples with the past and present of a residential development built in the aftermath of World War II on the site of a former concentration camp. The housing development retained the erstwhile camp's water supply, sewage system and roads, and reclaimed some of its materials.

Elephant Bearing an Obelisk (Trailer), © Bettina Nürnberg & Dirk Peuker

IT/D, 2018, colour, 16mm, 15 min., Screening format HD
Scarpa took an apolitical stance and refused to make architecture during the reign of fascism in Italy (1922–43); in the years that followed however, he produced Venice’s modernist exemplars, arguably the most beautiful architectural works of modernism for how they create mental spaces embedded in and indebted to his phenomenal city. With awareness of their medium, Nürnberg and Peuker capture both the structure and freeforming style of Scarpa’s architecture: their camera is equally focused on the mood of the city, the flow of water, the mandala as dichotomous form—light casts shadows. In turn, the film oscillates between document and experimental realism. The punctuating book pages that were an inspiration for Scarpa and ofer a structuring means for the sensuality of the recorded images come from the Venetian treatise of 1499 ascribed to Poliphili, which loosely acts an inventory of life-forms and classical humanist thought while following the story of courtly love. The act of ceremony is important to the book and so it is to the film as it mediates on Scarpa’s constructions, anachronistic zones that cross life with death, only to return to life once more: the film flickers, the paper is left wet, a hand all blue rises from the ruins … (Laura Preston)

D 2012, 20min, 16mm
The film "The American Houses" examines the buildings of the nearly forgotten german architect, Thilo Schoder. Schoder, who had studied under Henry van de Velde in Weimar, was classified as an architect of "The New Objectivity" movement of the 1920s. Schoder built some modernist houses in the 8 years period, from 1923 to 1931, in small villages from eastern Germany to the Czech Republic. When the Nazis took power Schoder, accused of being a socialist, was refused any further building contracts, forcing him to emigrate to Norway.In "The American Houses" the condition of the buildings filmed range from highly renovated to abandoned and dilapidated. The surviving examples are not portrayed as technical depictions, but as subjective sensation.

THE AMERICAN HOUSES (2. TRAILER ), © Bettina Nürnberg

D/IT, 2014, 20min, HD
The experimental film work “Flat Roofs for Mussolini“ talks about the Italien Rationalism at Lake Como and the buildings by Giuseppe Terragni, who was an important pioneer of this style and tried to persuade the fascist regime to adopt his architecture as an official style. During a creative period lasting only 13 years, Terragni produced a body of work unique in terms of consistency and density. His buildings conform to the modern and are characterised by a reduction to elementary geometrical basic forms. While his buildings now serve as an important reference for architects such as Peter Eisenmann, they are also glorified and their political dimension is downplayed.

Gemeinschaftsproduktion mit der Akademie der Künste

Eine Auswahl der Gemeinschaftsproduktionen von Veranstaltungen, Diskussionen und Ausstellungen der Akademie der Künste am Pariser Platz und am Hanseatenweg

Christian Petzold über "Le petit Voleur" von Erick Zonca
Gemeinschaftsproduktion mit der Akademie der Künste, Berlin

Helma Sanders-Brahms im Gepräch mit Hartmut Palmer und Eva Mattes Gemeinschaftsproduktion mit der Akademie der Künste, Berlin

The Making of Letztes Jahr in Marienbad
Gespräch mit Volker Schlöndorff, Bernard-Henri Lévy und Olivier Corpet
Gemeinschaftsproduktion mit der Akademie der Künste, Berlin
Ausstellungsvideos und
Montage für Künstler

Eine Auswahl

Ausstellungsvideos für die Ausstellung ‘A-Z. Die Sammlung Marzona, Künstlerbücher’, im Hamburger Bahnhof

Ausstellungsvideos für die Ausstellung ‘A-Z. Die Sammlung Marzona, Künstlerbücher’, im Hamburger Bahnhof

Gland (TRAILER) für KAT VÁLASTUR und Hau Hebbel am Ufer

Montage für Installation von ANDREA BÜTTNER (Ausschnitt): What is so terrible about craft? / Die Produkte der menschlichen Hand, 2019

Videoarbeit von Bettina Nürnberg & Dirk Peuker in Zusammenarbeit mit Tilo Schulz
Dokumentation und Wissenschaft

Documentary about the Conference of the American Society for Cybernetics in Bolton, UK, 2013
© Bettina Nürnberg